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your goals your pace dietitian nutritionist wales

your goals your pace dietitian nutritionist wales

your goals your pace dietitian nutritionist wales

your goals your pace dietitian nutritionist wales
Patient feedback quotes From individual consultations :
Tabby was really listening,
Tabby helped me to take control and making plan of action with me,
Tabby is amazing woman at her job,
Thank you very much for your patience, sharing your knowledge and for giving us a healthier and fitter lifestyle. All your advice has been very much taken on board and appreciated,
Despite the time restraints in a busy clinic Tabby discussed clearly with my son who is autistic all major problems, her information was clearly understood. She demonstrated a positive attitude to build up a rapport. Thank you
Tabby made me comfortable and at ease . Nice lady.
I found Tabby very helpful and explained things very well.
Tabby is a great professional, very kind and very good person.
Pleased with outcome of first consultation, very knowledgeable and inspires confidence.
Thank you ever so much Tabby for helping me. You are doing a great job.
I attended today with a client as his support worker. The consultation was very professional and showed a high level of care. Very impressed!
I would like to see Tabby again and attend future weight loss programme.
Tabby was very helpful explaining all aspects of a healthy diet, particularly for my present condition. I thank her for that.
Tabby was very good, compassionate and understanding
Tabby is a lovely lady, provides a very informative consultation which is followed up with an excellent after care service.
Tabby was extremely helpful and has helped me with my confidence to do well
Lovely lady, i would love to see Tabby again.
Tabby was absolutely amazing, a very positive person and very informative
A lovely lady, putting me at ease and inspiring me for the future
Tabby is very professional, understanding and helpful
I found tabby very pleasant, helpful and approachable. Look forward to visiting again
I found this experience very helpful and motivating. I wish I had taken this opportunity earlier in my life
Lovely lady feeling positive leaving clinic
Tabby is wonderful, really made me feel welcome and fully understanding how I feel
A most friendly and positive meeting providing a wealth of information and support
Genuinely brilliant at your job. Please to meet you Tabby see you soon.
I have enjoyed making plans and having someone to talk to about my situation. I am looking forward to the next step in feeling better. Tabby was helpful and easy to talk to. Thank you Tabby for your support.
The diet is going very well. I'm enjoying my food again and have very little indigestion . I'm also much less tired and am generally feeling better. Clearly some of the FODMAPs were causing problems for me!
Thanks for looking into my case in detail and providing excellent advice, suggestions and resources on my diet.
I am very pleased with your consultation and advice on my dietary needs. Also the information about sweeteners. The information you sent about bowel chart I found very informative to me. I am pleased that I contacted you for this advice. Thank you once again.
I thoroughly enjoyed her consultation with you yesterday and was most appreciative of your advice .
Thank you so much for your great advice and for saving me from a miserable time on statins. I am feeling very well, full of energy and since upping the soya content of my diet,all night sweats and perimenopausal symptoms have stopped and I sleep through the night without waking. You are a star!
Patient feedback quotes from group education sessions:
Good to be a part of a group in sharing ideas,
Increased my confidence,
Very useful,
I want additional sessions!
Corporate Dietitian feedback quote:
Tabby came to our site in July ,14 as part of a health and safety promotion week.
She interviewed several people with diverse diet and nutrition issues. I found her to be very efficient, easy with communication and information, and the employee feedback to me was that she was well received, her advice was useful and understood and she was easy to talk to.
I would recommend her for any Corporate work.
Lynda Francis RGN
Medicine and Occupation Health co-ordinator
Solutia UK Ltd
Here's some feedback comments from group education sessions with ethnic minorities in Cardiff 2014:
"I found the session well structured, with excellent use of various practices and exercises"
"Excellent trainer. Very knowledgeable and interesting. Made me really think about my diet."
"The dietician was very friendly and happy to answer lots of questions. I Would suggest it to friends and family"
"Nice balance between theory & practice"
"Very informative and clearly presented. Very approachable!"
"Increased my awareness of good diet"
"I feel I understand so much more now. I enjoyed the session. The dietician is excellent and made it a pleasure to learn"
Roon Adam Advocacy Officer The MEEA Project (The Minority Ethnic Elders Advocacy Project) Race Equality First
Student feedback comments 2015 :
From a 16 year old student I helped gain insight into my profession for university application-"Thank you so much for letting me come along this morning to help you promote health pledges at living well. It was really nice to learn more about what dietitians do and see how you reach
out to people. I have read through the information sheets that you gave me this morning and
they are very helpful. Like you suggested, I am going to write down what we did this morning to record it for when I come to write my personal statement. "
Asian health fairs 30-45 min Nutrition Education sessions in Newport and Cardiff on 25 & 28.3.15 some general public feedback comments:
">7-10 score in confidence to manage diet 10 being highest
>Majority found session to be very helpful
>Consider attending another session
>Thank you, very well done ,
>really enjoyed,
>perfect and very interesting
>Consider changing to low fat milk ,
>have healthy food,
>drink more water
>Consider changing my lifestyle and diet."
Age alive nutrition education program with ethnic minority elderly in Newport 12.6.19-13.11.19
A fun interactive monthly one hour program . Topics ranged from healthy eating, good nutrition and hydration, meal planning, store cupboard, value for money, reading food labels, meal and snack ideas and taster sessions. Here's feedback from attendees:
Yes all members agreed to change food choices and lifestyle after sessions
All members found sessions helpful
Comments: very informative, liked to bring food have more fruit and vegetables, excellent course delivery, well delivered, well presented, easy to follow, would like more sessions. Confidence of groups ranged from 5-10 /10 after attending session with no idea of confidence score prior to sessions .
Program evaluation results from 23 staff attendance 8 week one hour per week nutrition education program - caring for learning disability 2016-2017
Are you going to change your lifestyle after attending event?
60.9% said yes 14/23 30.1 % said no 9/23
What changes will you make if any?
10/23 no changes 50% the rest comments included: less fat, healthier food, drink more water, less snacking on chocolate, be more active, eat more vegetables, read food labels, joined slimming world
How confident are you after attending Event?
91.3 % 21/23 scored confidence greater than 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Not confident very confident
Please circle a number.
Was the event?
Helpful Not Helpful
95.7% 22/23 said it was helpful
Please circle a comment
Would you consider attending another event in future?
22/23 95.7% said yes
Please circle a comment
How do you think this event could be improved?
Some comments: perfect, longer session, shift work (implemented), patients to attend too.
Any other comments?
Very informative -thank you
Good tips, good information given
Thank you
Dietitian Tabassum (Tabby) Kabeer SRD HCPC DIETITIAN
Learning disability-Patient care measure after Dietitian consultation -8 patients
What do patients think?
Making you feel at ease?-6/8 75% excellent
Letting you tell story?-7/8 87.5% very good and excellent
Really listening?-7/8 87.5% very good and excellent
Being interested in you as a whole person?7/8 87.5% good ,very good and excellent
Fully understanding your concerns? 8/8 100% good, very good and excellent
Showing care and compassion?7/8 87.5% good, very good and excellent
Being positive?-8/8/100% good, very good and excellent
Explaining things clearly? 8/8/100% good, very good and excellent
Helping you take control? 8/8 100% good, very good and excellent
Making a plan of action? 8/8 100% good, very good and excellent
20.7.2017 feedback of Nutrition education Festival of learning event _Ty Bron Afon community housing
100% useful session marks 5/5
Those who responded all marked 5/5 -found the session enjoyable
What was one thing you learned? comments back: tip on how to eat well and to lose weight, what's best to eat and how, some of my thinking/ideas are myths, portion control -quick guide
to remembering. New evidence on current thinking, what is currently best practice, variety, if
one thing doesn't work try something else, learned a lot and reinforced already known facts, it's o k to include tinned fruit in juice
Any suggestions for improvements? longer session
Thank you so much for your time today, we really enjoyed our chat and the information you provided was fab.
I look forward to going through the tips you gave us with our other residents and doing some healthy eating recipes.
Thanks again we all learnt something from it. PBOL group for young adults virtually on value for money healthy eating 24.9.21
20th October 21 MEC Health fair event as guest speaker -78 attendees 13 of whom attended food myths and facts via zoom -feedback was good and interactive with 5/13 members getting the answers right .

What do patients think of Tabby Kabeer SRD HPC Dietitian Nutritionist?

What do patients think of Tabby Kabeer SRD HPC Dietitian Nutritionist?

What do patients think of Tabby Kabeer SRD HPC Dietitian Nutritionist?

What do patients think of Tabby Kabeer SRD HPC Dietitian Nutritionist?
"It’s less about the goals you achieve and more about the fact that you set goals in the first place. It instills hope, it inspires you. It means you know which way you want to go".
By Brianna Wiest
All these people changed their lives with Tabby kabeer Dietitian Nutritionist
Tel : 07551910919
Follow Tabby Kabeer :
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