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Your Personal Dietitian Nutritionist UK Tabby Kabeer SRD HCPC
You’re Goals
You’re Pace
Your Professional Dietitian Nutritionist
My aim is to provide you with personal advice, allowing you to plan and make the right choices for your new and healthy future
I have over 35 years of continuous and rewarding service in the N HS, having worked at: Greenwich District Hospital London, Cardiff Royal Infirmary, Heath Hospital Cardiff, Llandough Hospital Penarth, Neville Hall Hospital Abergavenny, Prince Charles Hospital Merthyr, Lincoln District Hospital, Royal Gwent Hospital Newport and current Saint Cadoc hospital.
I commenced freelance work alongside my current role in adult weight management as obesity specialist Dietitian in the NHS in 2015 growing my scope of work successfully and offer a flexible person centred service .
I qualified with a Nutrition and Dietetics degree in 1988 with further qualifications in Paediatrics tier 1, C&G Teaching stage and practice continuing professional development in specialist field I have worked in. Before entering the dietetic profession, worked as a care nurse in a private nursing home.
I have a great deal of experience in the following:
Weight loss,
Childhood obesity,
Ethnic Diets,
Weight gain and Nutrition Support,
Care of the elderly,
Bowel disorders,
Cancer care
Women's and Men's health,
Group Education and
Social media, some TV and radio
My Key skills and work experience include:
Group education programs : Asian Type 2 Diabetes (able to speak URDU and Hindi ASIAN DESMOND), Type 2 Diabetes education in Lincolnshire (spotlight) and in Wales ( DESMOND), lipid lowering, impaired glucose tolerance, cardiac rehabilitation, junior doctors, nurse education tutorials on wards / at school of nursing, diet chefs to enable them to pass specialized diets course, pregnancy, mother and baby , schools, elderly and weight loss groups (L U TU lighten up tighten up, MEND 4-7 yr. old and 7-13 yr. old and Slim for life). "Healthy weight healthy mind" and "Nutrition for weight loss" with Adult weight management service in the
N H S. Launched the "Make a DEAL to HEAL -Diet exercise and live" program Jointly with fitness experts at club. Trained staff to become health champions and promote healthy eating and refer to Dietitian when required . Recent designed and implemented training program for Care staff in mental health care.
Media work in 2006 was a guest on the BBC Wales radio with Jamie Owen for advice on weight loss for adults, questions and answers session and salt reduction for children. Recently with Mathew Pritchard Dirty vegan 14.1.19 BBC TV Wales on children breakfast and using Tempeh and 17.1.20 on vegan meal ideas for active older person and benefit of omega 3 fats.
Clinical I have worked in specialist posts in Paediatric , Diabetes, Nutritional support, Care of the elderly, Liver and renal disease, antenatal, health promotion and community dietetics. Recently worked as a part-time senior GP Dietitian seeing a wide variety of clients. Now working in adult weight management for the N H S, as well as privately establishing on-line Skype/ Microsoft teams clinic.
Advice for the ethnic minority- throughout over 35 years as a Dietitian, able to use my bilingual skills (understands Urdu/Hindi) to address the nutritional needs of the ethnic minority in both 1:1 consultation and group setting. In 2014 was nominated for the Welsh Asian women achievement award. Currently working on group education for Asian elderly for age alive and local charity organisations sight Cymru.
Producing up-to-date nutrition resources for my clients in - Diabetes, infant feeding, healthy eating, pregnancy, Pre-diabetes, specialized diet information for hospital chef and nurses. Recently produced "Impaired glucose tolerance”, “The Ramadan food guide" and "How to gain weight". In the past helped produce Gwent infant feeding guidelines, as part of a team won the B DA national competition for the production of healthy eating on diabetes 1992, published booklet on healthy eating in pregnancy, Healthy eating, stroke, post MI and angina, HIV and Asian weight reducing. Currently in the process of updating and designing an interactive adult weight management website for the Aneurin Bevan university health board
Nutrition support- Throughout my clinical experience I have seen patients requiring nutritional support in hospital, community at G.P surgeries, home visits and nursing homes. I have been involved in training carers and nurses on the MUST tool, recognizing at risk patients and educated and implemented methods such as the red tray system for the high risk patients in hospital , educated both hospital and nursing home nurses, hostesses and chefs. Now working with Rutherford cancer care in Wales and England seeing patients before, during and after treatment.
Learning Disability- Currently working with five private homes seeing clients, educating staff through a rolling education program, working with chef designing healthy menu options and compiling annual report of my private dietetic service.
Continuing professional development in: gastrointestinal disorders, low FODMAP diet, nutrition support, diabetes, obesity, cognitive behaviour therapy, Motivation, Compassion focus therapy, APT accredited for DBT essentials, NLP overview, learning disability, mental health and eating disorders, sports nutrition, cancer , Understanding care aims and clinical supervision. Completed ACT level 2.
Social Media: You can follow me and my nutrition blogs via face book:
Private Dietitian
mum's chat line
healthy family recipe
linked in and twitter
I produce regular blogs(9th on the top 10 diet bloggers UK list) and health events at the Springs health club , C o l d r a court hotel by Celtic Manor, Newport to provide you with interesting ways to stay healthy and answer your concerns. My aim is to educate you on how you can have a fun, tasty, varied, balanced and healthy diet.
I am known for my friendly personality that puts patients, from varied background and cultures, at ease. My advice is Patient centred.
My goal is to engage with you and help you address your health issues:
>To show you how eating healthy can be fun cheap and good for your health,
> Share my knowledge on specialized diets,
> I do not promote any one brand but encourage food industry to sell products that are good for health,
> I love to teach in a group and cause a ripple effect,
> I can help you find your inner motivation to stay committed to your goals . I'm not here to judge you but work in partnership evoking new possibilities for you.
I am compassionate, a good listener and a registered health care professional who cares for your health. I have a constant drive to seek improvements in the service provided and actively pursue feedback through structured evaluation on effectiveness to support you. I attend training courses within the N HS and privately to keep up-to-date with the latest research information on Nutrition and Dietetics and share this with you.
Slide show of a typical working day for your Dietitian

Dietitian Nutritionist your goals your pace

Dietitian Nutritionist your goals your pace

Dietitian Nutritionist your goals your pace

Dietitian Nutritionist your goals your pace
Tel : 07551910919
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